Medicare Insurance Options for Greenville, NC

How Does Medicare Insurance Work in North Carolina?
Living in North Carolina, you have a range of Medicare insurance plans to choose from. When you turn 65 years-old, you are typically eligible for Medicare, and most beneficiaries are automatically enrolled in Original Medicare, Part A or Part B.

Medicare Part A: You are covered for inpatient hospital care, hospice care, and limited skilled nursing and home care.

Medicare Part B: You are covered for a range of medical services like physician services, mental health care, ambulance services, and more.

There are also Medicare Part C, Medicare Part D, and Medicare Supplement plans. We understand all of this can get very confusing, so make sure you call us here at Alexander Financial Services. We can help!

Contact Us for Medicare Insurance Today

Alexander Financial Services can talk with you to find out which Medicare insurance plan will meet your needs. We can then help you enroll in the plan to ensure you are adequately covered.

Give us a call to schedule an appointment! We proudly serve Greenville, NC!

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